Most folks think of Valentine’s Day when thinking about February. I’ve always loved the day of heart, cards, candies, treats, and gifts. Not everyone feels the same way, though. This comes across clearly as retailers have put up nearly as much effort into providing friendship themed decor, gifts, and cards as the traditional romantic versions.
I am very thankful for my wonderful husband who has taught me so much more about love through our normal daily life than I could have dreamed possible. Love isn’t always easy. Rather, it’s a choice we make every day – sometimes multiple times in a day. I choose you.
I think that’s the key to love – choosing the good of the other person over yourself. That doesn’t mean you don’t care for your own self; if you don’t love yourself then it’s hard to love anyone else. It means that if you CAN show kindness, patience, compassion, forgiveness, honor, truth, and respect to someone, just do it.
This kind of love goes beyond the romantic. It’s having a genuine heart for your fellow mankind. Staying after work to help your coworker, helping a friend move when you’d rather be doing anything else, letting a harried shopper take your place in the checkout line – these are all acts of love.
February has a number of ways to show love other than on the 14th.
For example, the 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Some might say that we should be doing this all the time, but sometimes we get caught up in our own world. It’s a great little reminder that little things matter. They matter a lot.
February 22nd has two special things on its calendar. The first Be Humble Day.
Humility is not easy. Our society praises pride – in yourself, your achievements, and just about anything else. While there is nothing wrong with appreciation for a job well done, the danger is that too much can bring a warped sense of personal value.
I think it takes a great deal of inner strength to realize that you are not the center of the universe. C.S Lewis put it this way. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
Knowing that you are important and also knowing that the person next to you is just as important, that perspective is humility.
February 22nd is also International Stand Up to Bullying Day.
We often think of bullying as a problem that kids deal with in school. Unfortunately, bullying often happens as adults and in the work place.
This is a problem that we’ve all faced at one time or another, whether the bully, victim, or observer. We can all help stop bullying. Read the Stand Up To Bullying article to learn what you can do.
Finally, February 23rd is World Understanding and Peace Day.
I don’t think that people were given two ears and one mouth by accident. If we listen twice as much as what we say, then we could have a lot more perspective and understanding. But we don’t always listen to hear what the other person is saying. Steven Covey said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
This is a day to start the practice of empathetic listening. Try to identify with what the speaker is feeling, their emotions, situation, perspective. If you aren’t sure that you get what they’re saying, ask questions. Understanding does not necessarily mean that you will agree, but it will go a long way toward peace. And who doesn’t want world peace?
There are lots of ways to show some love to those around you and to yourself.
the immortal words of Fred Rogers,
like you, just the way you are.”
Happy February, Neghbors!